Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Questioning the Holocaust Storyline

Truth seekers investigate history with an unbiased, unemotional approach.

I recently started investigating the mainstream holocaust account, and was not impressed with the evidences that hold it together.

Research threrad here:

Six Million

Friday, 25 May 2012

The Vatic Project: Vatic 9/11 Special [2011]

The Vatic Project: Vatic 9/11 Special [2011]: The Vatic 9/11/2011 Special   is intended to serve as a 9/11 Reference . Things have changed since last year. Dr. Judy Wood came out with ...

Sunday, 13 May 2012

911, Hutchison Effect and Directed Energy Weapons

Having looked into 911 for many years I'm now leaning towards Directed Energy Weapons (DEW's) and 'No-Plane' theory as the most likely hypothesis. The subject is given a thorough treatment by Dr. Judy Wood at this link....Star Wars Directed-Energy Weapons (DEW)

Another researcher who has done stirling work in this field is Andrew Johnson. Heres a book he wrote:

9-11 - Finding the Truth by Andrew Johnson PDF

We can no longer rely on mainline 911 'truthers' for correct info. It seems that the movement has been infiltrated from day 1 by the likes of Steven 'Los Alamos' Jones and possibly others.

Good introductory video here:

More discussion on this on our forum thread :911 Inside Job